Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mellow Days & My Birthday

I actually had to go to my blog to figure out when I last updated.  Sheesh!  It's been a while!  Sorry about that.  Our internet has been less than stellar the last week or so.  The last two nights we've lost connection before 7 p.m..  

Anyway, so what have I been up to?  I've been enjoying some quite time and soaking up the love of the children and the sunshine of La Misíon.  Oh, yeah, and I've been working on my Spanish lessons.  I feel like I've learned a lot, yet I'm not sure I could carry on a reasonably intelligent conversation.  Communication is frustrating, but getting better and easier!  At least I'm working towards my goal (for those of you that don't know, I set a few simple goals for myself and this of them was to learn Spanish sufficiently to communicate.  I'd like to be fluent, but I'm not sure 6 months will enable that, as I leave South America -- assuming I make it that far -- around March 2013).

So, I showed my FB family a pic of my quiet place.  I spent Thursday and Friday morning there while working on my Spanish lessons, working on my book, chatting with people back home and other fun stuff.  I'll share that place with you too.  It's so peaceful (until the kids get back from school)...and right next to the coffee.  :)

Those two days gave me lots of time to reflect.  I've been doing a lot of sorting and filing information and emotions in my brain.  I can't say I've figured anything out per se, but I've certainly been thinking.  Back home, there was little time for quiet time.  I know, I know, "normal" people find time for quiet time in America, but I haven't really known how to do that.  I'm not sure if it previously made me uncomfortable, or if I just never made time for it.  I can tell you, however, that I manage to find tons of that time down here.  Life is slower here, which helps, but I also don't have a lot of the normal distractions.  I haven't watched TV or a movie since I left (although I can't say that I was much of a TV addict to begin with).  I am reading two books (Lead Like Jesus, which I've told you about, and The Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner), writing my blog, learning Spanish, taking pictures and working on my book.  There is no way I would've had time for that in my old life...or maybe I didn't make time.  Whatever the culprit, I didn't do that sort of stuff until now.

Thursday was Kay's birthday.  That night, Michael and I took her to Ensenada, along the coast for a beautiful shoreline  sunset...we went out for Starbucks and McDonald's in Ensenada.  Don't laugh.  That's what she wanted!  She was happy as could be!

Friday was more of the same around the orphanage and more time for reflection and book writing.  [BTW, I really hope that this book turns out ok.  I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm mostly just writing.  That's why God made editors, right?  To help pull it all together.  God, I hope that's right!].

Jarilyn, Kay and I went to Felicia and Charlie's place Friday morning.  Felicia's birthday was Thursday, but we couldn't get over there on Thursday because Jarilyn was in the States.  Anyway, we brought Felicia some food, a present from Jarilyn and Sarah and some vegetables for Felicia's garden.  I even managed to get a picture of Felicia in front of her "waterfall."

Aaaaaaand, drumroll please.....Saturday was my birthday!!!  LOL.  I know it seems a little lame to be excited by a birthday at my age, but I still love it!  It's nice to have a day full of well wishes, hugs, smiles and a reason to celebrate.  Before I left America, I was a little sad that I would be spending my birthday "alone," without my family and friends.  I was, to be honest, a little worried that it would suck.  Well, I am happy to report that my birthday this year was, quite possibly, one of the best I've had.  At least it was one of the most memorable and it was happy and never something I will regret.

Ana, the one who went veggie picking with us, greeted me at my door with a happy birthday wish and a hug.  What a great start to my day!  At breakfast, DJ announced that it was my birthday.  All the kids sang to me.  I was perfectly touching.  Having over a 100 children sing to you is somehow precious in its own right.  After the song, many of the children came up to give me hugs and personal birthday wishes.  I was able to FaceTime with my brother for a while (he got to meet several of the children), which was a great treat!  Then I had to run off to get ready!  Get ready for what, you ask?

Every year, twice a year, some rich American comes down here and throws a party for the orphans.  This year one of those times fell on my birthday!  The American rents out a local resort (well, the beach and pool area) for DoFo and two or three other orphanages in the area.  There are swimming pools, bouncy houses, music, tons of food, horseback riding and paragliding! 

So, yesterday, all of us traveled the couple miles to the resort and had a day of frolicking in the gorgeous sun and sand!  I went horseback riding for the first time in probably two decades!  That was fun.  Well, it was amusing.  Well, it was amusing until Miguel thought it was funny to click his cheek to spur my horse into a gallop!  That freaked me out a bit, but I got it under control.  Only to have Miguel sneak up on us again and spur on my horse again!  It was a bit scary at the time, but I look back and laugh.  Good times.  

Cesar embraced the Mexican tradition of throwing birthday people into the pool...and away I went, flip flops and all!  Fortunately Marina and Conchita (two of the dorm moms at the orphanage) had warned me the day before, so I was prepared with my swimsuit on underneath my clothes.  Cesar was pretty afraid that I'd get even, but it actually felt good.  Besides, you can't really get mad at a tradition, right?!  This is Cesar:

What fun and what a great way to celebrate!  Couldn't have asked for much more!  At the end of the fiesta, everyone sang happy birthday to me, Kay and a few other people who had birthdays this past week.

After we got back to the orphanage and relaxed a bit, Kay, Jarilyn and Kylie took me out for a nice dinner at an Italian joint in Rosarito. It was GREAT!  We sat outside on the greatest patio that was draped in lights.  They had a fun band singing some American classics who also sang me a happy birthday (in English).

I came home and went straight to bed!  That was nice.  It was my birthday, and I wanted to sleep.  So I did. :)

This morning brought about a new day and a new sunrise.  :)  Kylie and I picked up Felicia and Charlie again!  Yay!  Glad they decided to come to church with us again.  It was a great service.  :)  After church and lunch, we had the dedication for the new dorm for the little boys!  It's done and they are all moved in!  Yay!  It's so perfect too.  There is a little door that they can use, miniature bunk beds and lots of color!  I would totally live there if I was under three feet tall!!

 Well, off to another adventure!

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